Dr. Sargent had wanted to be a chiropractor from a very young age. He was raised with a “Green” and “Organic” lifestyle before those terms existed. He noticed even at a young age that the medical profession relied too heavily on drugs and surgery and he wanted to be able to offer a safe, alternative form of healthcare. He began researching chiropractic at the age of 12 and never looked back. He attended Western States Chiropractic College in Portland, Oregon and graduated in March 2007. He has practiced chiropractic in Idaho Falls, Idaho, Las Vegas, Nevada, and now in Yakima, Washington
Dr. Sargent’s goal is to provide patient service beyond all expectations. He believes in the chiropractic principle of a healthy aligned spine enhances the inborn healing potential of the body and that an unhealthy misaligned spine is the primary cause of headache, neck and back pain, nerve problems, arthritis, disc damages, chronic disease, and more. He has years of experience treating new and old spine injuries from motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries, slip and fall, work injuries, and more. Dr. Sargent is able to offer posture correction, nutritional counseling, exercise instruction, stretching instruction, prenatal and pediatric chiropractic care, ergonomic counseling for home and work, back safety instruction for small and large corporations, and more.
Dr. Sargent believes that proper education is the key to good health. Treatments focus on quickly and effectively relieving pain, restoring normal nerve function, and improving his patients overall health. His goal is not only to eliminate pain, but also for patients to implement lifestyle changes to prevent future pain and further spinal injury. Dr. Sargent has been, and always will be, honest and fair in his dealings with all of his patients. Whether patients are seeking conservative care for a low back strain, a spinal disc injury, pediatric care for your young children, or prefer a comprehensive wellness care plan for a healthier lifestyle, Dr. Sargent is the new community resource for all wellness care needs. Dr. Sargent’s favorite quote: “Posture effects and moderates every physiological function from breathing to hormone production. Spinal pain, headache, mood, blood pressure, pulse, and lung capacity are among the functions most easily influenced by posture.” American Journal of Pain Management 1994.
“ If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.” – Zig Zigla